Climate Jobs Justice


Edition 4

SEIU members and worker leaders in the Fight for $15 and a Union are confronted daily by the impacts of climate change and environmental injustice. This newsletter offers a snapshot of how we’re combating climate change and fighting against environmental injustice in our workplaces and communities as well as calling on major industries, corporations, and governments to protect the health, safety and long-term economic well-being of all working people across America.

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Environmental Justice at SEIU: A Year in Review

2021 was a big year for our SEIU climate and environmental justice program. We advanced each of our goals during the year, including:

  • Broadening our partnership with major green groups such as the Green New Deal Network and Blue Green Alliance.
  • Playing a pivotal role inserting our union’s economic, racial and immigrant justice demands into those of the nation's environmental movement.
  • Winning support from major environmental groups for SEIU’s #1 legislative priority-the “Care is Essential” program. The Build Back Better bill currently contains $150 billion for the nursing and home care system.

We also supported initiatives both federally and in states which advanced carbon reductions and good clean energy jobs legislation. Some examples include:

  • CALIFORNIA: SEIU Local 721’s Environmental Action Team won bargaining language to consider sustainability(Green@work) - including telework and transferring people closer to home.

    Delegates reached consensus on Local 1021’s priorities at the 2021 convention, which included a strong Environmental Justice and Climate Action Plank.

    SEIU-USWW members called on the City of Los Angeles to rethink plans for airport expansion after a report, Turbulence Ahead, revealed the serious environmental and equity impacts of the proposal. The report also showed why an expansion at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) must be done in a way that properly reckons with issues of environmental justice and equity.

    The Center for Caregiver Advancement and SEIU Local 2015 received a workforce development grant to train 500 caregivers as first responders in climate-related disasters. This first-in-the-nation pilot program will help caregivers play a critical role in protecting California’s seniors and people with disabilities (see more below).

  • ILLINOIS: Illinois lawmakers passed what is considered the nation's most equitable climate bill: The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (SB2408). This historic climate legislation will put Illinois on a path to a 100% clean energy future while providing a just transition for workers and communities historically dependent on fossil fuels. It will enact some of the toughest utility accountability measures in the nation, and will create jobs and wealth in Illinois’ Black and brown communities.

  • MASSACHUSETTS: 32 BJ SEIU members joined Mass Renews Alliance, 350 Mass, and Sunrise Boston on June 30th to demand that members of Congress support a budget resolution that invests in Black and brown communities impacted greatly by the climate crisis and environmental racism.

  • NEW YORK: SEIU 32 BJ and 1199 members along with allies from Climate Jobs New York fought to make sure that offshore wind development not only produces clean energy but also results in good union jobs, including those in operations and maintenance.

  • MINNESOTA: Members of SEIU Healthcare Minnesota, led by Executive Vice President Jigme Ugen, joined thousands of protestors at the Minnesota State Capitol to oppose Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline. Line 3 is the latest treaty betrayal committed by state and federal governments in Indian Country.

  • OREGON: After Republican legislators walked out of the Capitol to kill a Clean Energy Jobs bill in 2019, SEIU 503 was able to work with partners to pass landmark environmental justice legislation in 2021. Their efforts were spearheaded by President Mike Powers and the local’s Climate Justice Committee, working closely with the Oregon Clean Energy Opportunity campaign and Fair Shot. Among the victories secured this session:

    • HB 2021 (100% Clean Energy for All) an equity focused transition to 100% Clean Electricity by 2040
    • HB 2475 will help provide low income rate assistance.
    • HB 2842 (Healthy Homes) will make homes safer to live in and more affordable to heat and cool.
    • SCR 17 adopts Environmental justice principles and recognizes the right of all people to clean air and water.

First Environmental Justice Chairs/Members meeting

On December 9th, the SEIU Environmental Justice team organized the first SEIU Environmental Justice chairs and member leaders meeting. The goal of the event was to build relationships, learn about best practices and discuss the work ahead for members involved with climate/environmental issues within their locals. More than 50 members joined the meeting, including those from SEIU locals 1, 503, 2015, 509, 1021, 1199, 32BJ, 1991, 503, 1996 and 721. These meetings will occur every other month with the aim of creating support for member environmental justice leaders. If you are interested in participating please send an email to:

Where are we on Build Back Better

SEIU locals joined Green New Deal Network tables in multiple states to lift our unified priorities for Build Back Better. Throughout 2021, green groups--including the League of Conservation Voters--have stressed the need to include labor rights into their top Build Back Better demands. As of the publication of this newsletter, Build Back Better has passed through the House of Representatives and is currently awaiting action in the Senate.

DID YOU KNOW: What Does Science Say About the Connection Between Tornadoes and Climate Change?

Over the last year, tornadoes have devastated communities across the country. 2021 saw one of the largest tornado outbreaks in US history with 1,278 confirmed tornadoes and 104 deaths. As the frequency and duration of these tornadoes continue to shift, many wonder how these events are connected to climate change.

While the science is clear that climate change is fueling the growing number of wildfires and the increasing intensity of hurricanes, research on the link between tornadoes and climate change is complex and, to date, limited. However, scientists theorize that as the climate warms it contributes more heat to the atmosphere, providing energy that can further intensify tornadoes, but that same warm air also can reduce the wind shear needed to give rise to tornadoes. So it may be possible that climate change may make it more difficult for tornadoes to form, but may contribute to creating stronger storms once they have already formed.

Additionally, warmer winters may create conditions for tornadoes to appear beyond the normal tornado season, typical in the spring and summer. A recent 2021 study from the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University found that “increases in severe storms capable of producing tornadoes during the fall and winter months would be most significant—about a 20% increase per degree Celsius of warming.”

To read more about climate change and tornadoes visit:

News from the States


Local 2015: Training caregivers to be first responders in climate-related disasters will play a critical role in protecting California’s seniors and people with disabilities. The Center for Caregiver Advancement (CCA) will address this need for specialized training, thanks to a grant from the California Workforce Development Board (CWDB). Read more here.


SEIU Local 49 won a $152,000 grant from the innovative Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) to pilot their Green Janitor Education Program. The Green Janitor Education Program is a 3- hour classroom program, created by the Building Skills Partnership in California, that trains commercial office building janitors in electricity use reduction, green chemicals, health and safety, water use reduction, and recycling best practices. The program is certified by the U.S. Green Building Council and graduates become certified “Green Janitors”. Local 49 worked with the SEIU Education & Support Fund to pilot the program and graduated their first cohort of 21 Green Janitors in December 2021.
