• Know the nurse-to-patient ratios for your unit! Click »»» here.
  • Whenever you're out of ratio, be sure to fill out an "Assignment Objection" form and turn it in to your supervisor, enforcing agencies like the BRN, and to your Union Rep/Organizer. Click »»» here.
  • We won our "Stop Repeat Offender Hospitals" law in 2019. Here's how we can enforce it! Click »»» here.
  • More on AB1422, our new bill for accountability in the “program flexibility” process. Click »»» here.
  • Tell us how program flexibility has affected you and your patients. Click »»» here.
  • Attend our upcoming Lobby/Media Training to get ready to tell legislators why we need AB 1422, the "Patients' Right to Know" bill. Click »»» here.